Friday, November 18, 2011

A Sun Reading

I’ve been slowly making my way through a Rachel Pollack book called Tarot Wisdom. Each major arcana card that she writes about comes with a spread that you can do that helps you see how that particular card affects you at any given moment in life. On Tuesday I pulled the Sun card as my “card of the day” and that just happens to be the next chapter I’m on in the book. Like I talked about in my Justice Blog, I usually don’t move on in that book until I either pull the card that will be discussed in the next chapter or if certain things in my life are echoing the meaning of the card in the next chapter. 
So here it is! :D
A Sun Reading
Gaian Tarot Deck
1-What is clear in my life?
                -Child of Water: Affirmation “I imagine a life filled with love, art and spirituality”
·         What is clear in my life is unconditional love, fantasy, imagination, dreams and spirituality. It is clear that art, music, writing and all those forms of creative expression are a deep part of me and what gives me happiness.
2-What is cloudy?
                -Explorer of Earth: living and working with nature, spirituality experienced in the body, practicality with health and finances.
·         My connection to nature is a bit cloudy. It’s hard to connect with earth based practices sometimes. I’ve thought a lot about this actually after reading The Hunger Games hahaha because I really don’t know much about outdoor survival and about plants and tracking and how to basically survive from what mother nature has to offer. I’m pretty materialistic and dependant on those material items. And as per usual my physical health is always cloudy for me.
3-What helps me see clearly?
                -Ten of Earth: Affirmation “I know my life’s work will benefit coming generations.”
·         What I do and accomplish will help and inspire whoever comes after me. Learning about the earth and taking care of my physical life and finances (Explorer of Earth) not only helps me out but my children and whoever goes on after I die. I can turn to the ones before me and my ancestors for knowledge and wisdom so I can apply what they learned and live it to be an example to future generations.
4-What confuses me?
                -Ace of Water: Following the heart’s desire, following intuition and dreams. Trusting the wisdom of your heart.
·         In the shadow side of this card, the companion book to the Gaian Tarot deck  says “You have many good reasons for why you just can’t follow your heart’s desire. Your challenge is to learn to trust your feelings and intuition”. I have all of these dreams and goals for my future and for what I want to be when I grow up but because of my fears I let confuse my heart and mind, I get stuck and I don’t want to change. It’s too scary. The image of the Ace of Water in this deck is a salmon whose eggs have just hatched and are swimming around “exploring their watery world”.
5-How can I simplify my life?
                -18 The Moon: Constant faithful changes, cycle of decent and return (the salmon in the ace of water) psychic awakening, light and shadow, dreams and imagination.
·         It’s like the reading has come full circle! The moon links back with the Child of Water. What is clear to me in the Child of Water is what I can do to make my life simpler. The confusion I feel in the Ace of Water is linked to the moon with the salmon. The moon card has the image of moon cycles, a wolf, an owl and the salmon. To make life simpler I need to trust my intuition even though it may seem confusing, but it will bring back that clarity in the child card. My work with dreams, the tarot, and writing helps simplify my life because I don’t feel so helpless or victimized. It’s more empowering. The moon doesn’t come across as simple at first glance but if I trust and even rely on change in my life I don’t get caught up and confused in my always changing reality.
It’s funny because I only got feminine elements in this reading. I got two water cards, two earth cards and the Moon which rules over water. Even the cyclic nature of this spread has moon themes in it. The clarity of imagination, dreams and emotions are confused with practicality and material life. Cleary seeing what I have to offer the world takes me on a new journey to re-explore what used to be clear but somehow got muddled up by fear and confusion then leads me to simplify my life through acceptance of change, death and rebirth to be born again as the Child of Water, right where I started from again…

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