Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hey Mercury! Nice Pants!

Mercury was in Retrograde the past few weeks (obviously everyone knows that ha ha ha). And if you’re not a geek and nerd about astrology (or just don’t really care) you probably experienced it one way or the other… like the HORENDOUS traffic! Not being able to speak clearly to people! And just having one of Those months!

Well my weeks were pretty odd. Almost hit a black cat (yeah that really happened) that disappeared as fast as it came. Crazy crazy dreams. Nothing at work could go right! It was just ridiculous! But now supposedly all that should be getting better…. Unless it doesn’t… then it’s probably just bad luck! Who knows!
Sometimes my mind feels like it’s bigger than my brain. As if it’s much more expansive to fit into such a small place.  There are times that I just get into myself and Think! It’s like my conscious has woken up and I’m just like… oh my gosh! And my mind wont stop thinking. When I go to bed I lay awake for hours and think, and when I do sleep I thrash in my sleep, pillows and blankets thrown all over the room, and my dreams are so huge, that when I wake I feel disconnected. I feel like I’m still far away in the otherworld and not this one. I used to walk in my sleep, like really walk in my sleep. My parents would find me in the strangest of places. My grandma once told me when I was really little that my spirit was just going for a walk and took my body with me. And sometimes I think about that now and it creeps me out! Ha ha ha! If that actually happens, what does my spirit see? What’s there beyond the wall of my room that my physical body can’t walk through? I go through periods when I can sleep and actually rest through the night, but all my life I would go through another phase of walking/talking/ and dreaming that makes it hard to really rest. Why is that?
A few months ago I went to a mission fare well. I haven’t been to church forever and ever! There’s something about sacrament meeting that takes me back. But it seemed different at this particular meeting.  It was just so… typical. I mean, there’s power in ritualistic, traditional things, but this one seemed just uninspiring. The missionary we were saying fare well to read his talk, and the kid that was Returning from his mission was so redundant in what he said. The most exciting part was when our missionary started crying while he was baring his testimony. At least there was some passion in spirituality in that one moment. Neither leaving or returning missionary could hold the attention of the congregation, but then again the congregation wasn’t giving any attention to them. It felt so typical and so routine. I think that’s why I liked Young Women’s and Girl’s camp. It was more hands on and more passionate.
The returning missionary kept talking about things we “should” or “shouldn’t” be doing. Redundantly saying how “there’s happiness in doing what you should be doing”…. Well? What “should” we be doing? Why “should” people all have a set dogmatic system on the things everyone “should” be doing?  
In the movie Dogma, Chris Rock was talking about Ideas and how people don’t have ideas anymore. How the world was better when people just had ideas. Everything is so set in stone these days about what “should” or “shouldn’t” be.
Physically things do NOT stay the same. We grow we evolve we don’t stay in one moment of life forever because where’s the growth in that?
The returning missionary said “living the gospel makes you happy”. Great!........... but what does that mean? It sounded so rehearsed, so typical. It sounded like something you say everyday, but never DO what you’re talking about…
I like to look up words in the dictionary (and google lol) and find the literal description of words so I googled “Gospel” and it said: The 4 books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) that tell the story about Christ’s life and teachings.
Ok, now that makes sense… but do the little kids who hear the phrase “Live the Gospel” know that? Maybe, I don’t know.
What it’s saying (I gather) is to live what Christ taught and how he lived his life. Love and be truly AWE-some and know that we have the power to perform miracles. “As above, so below” “do ye not know that ye are GODS?”
“Live the gospel” he says as the people chase their little kids down the aisle and fall asleep in their pews.

I watched an educational video at work about the Brain and brain development in babies. The video showed the formation of the sperm and the egg and how a baby forms! It forms from this messy gooey thing into a human being with this Brain! A brain that’s also this messy gooey thing inside our skulls that run our lives, that has hundreds and thousands of these CHARGED neurons and cells! Charged energy rushing through our brains, our bodies! This mushy goo in our head that THINKS! That can expand with strength when trained and used! This mush that sends messages, this goo that can see! When we close our eyes we can Imagine and See! How does mushy goo DO that?!
Scientifically it can be explained, but how does it do it? And if these energy charged neurons can make you smarter and if it’s pure Energy…. Maybe all those supernatural things can be explained. Simply imagining and thinking can be supernatural because you SEE it! How can mush project images into the “Mind”? It’s such a simple thing, thinking and imagining. People do it all the time and they don’t even realize they are practicing Godhood, so detailed and precise. How does a brain create depression? Happiness? Scientifically they talk about physiological factors, but where did a brain create these powerful emotions? How does it even create emotions?
If a brain does all that stuff naturally and can obviously do huge things when used, it can really do huge things that we probably couldn’t fathom! All the cosmic Huge-ness (lol) that people talk about could be so simple. The doctors in the video were saying that the weak areas in the brain can be strengthened when you use them. So, spiritually speaking (not religiously speaking) exercising your brain would increase intuition and all that jazz the exact same way you learn math!
“To live the gospel” to actually be like Christ, all those “Primary answers” that we say without thinking, power hidden in plain sight… it’s crazy!


  1. Your thoughts truly are deep little one! I enjoy reading your ideas and wonderments, and I enjoyed this post! I know you want me to worship certain parts of it, but I liked the whole thing. I like that you don't blindly accept what you've been taught, even from me. I like that you think for yourself, analyze and look at things from different angles, and come to your own conclusions. I like that you then are comfortable sharing those things. You often worry about the "image" you are projecting when you do so. Don't. You can only project who you are, and when you stop doing that, then you are just spouting out those answers you think others around you want to hear, and that's... well... it's crazy!
