I just got out of the theater after watching The Other Guys and my mind was going crazy with thoughts. I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile, to post thoughts I have from the countless books I read. For some reason, watching this movie made me want to start up blogging. For those of you have seen this movie, it seems kind of strange for it to have sparked thoughts, but wow. The world we live in. The line the pompous rich Sir-Robin-Charlie-And-The-Chocolate-Factory-Teacher said "Excess living: It's the American way" really pissed me off! The guy said he had 17 Lamborghini's, but owed billions of dollars to people all over the world was just ridiculous! For one man to needlessly own that many stupid cars! As I was driving home all I could think about was how humans think money is power, and it really is... to a person who lets it. If I was ever in a position where I was being bribed with all this money by some Suit, I would think to myself "If I don't except this douche's money, what on Earth would he have to use to control me?" Guns? Go ahead and shoot me! Whatever your trying to get from me will be lost because any knowledge I had would be gone, too.
Excess is the American way..... that is so sick and so true. We eat ridiculous foods (that's probably not even real food) from big companies. After giving our money to the "Food" Industry we then give our money to the Drug and Medication industry to "fix" the problems that started because of the "Food" Industry. But then we give our money to the Medical industry to fix the problems created by poorly thought out Pills that were never finished being developed because if they were they would actually heal people instead of make things worse AND CAUSE more problems, just to have a doctor tell you to DIET AND EXERCISE which if we had been doing that all along we would never have gone to those food chains in the first place!
Obviously the Drug companies release pills that aren't working yet, because they want their money faster! All those medication commercials listing all of those problems that can occur by taking the pill! Taking a pill for arthritis can lead to thoughts of depression and suicide and can cause bleeding! I'd rather deal with the arthritis! There HAS to be other ways to CURE these problems instead of making a bad symptom worse. Of course there is, but Corporate America isn't going to tell us Little People that because then they wont have their power, their Money...
But anyways, that was a rant.....
You don't know how much I loved this blog, my sweet friend! It is always flowing through my mind, and I get angry, and then I bring this negative cloud around me and then you feel it becuase you are such a sensative soul! I haven't seen this movie, but it seems to have triggered you! Maybe we do need to stand up to Corporate America. Words have always been my answer... and I see I have a wonderful writer as a friend!